Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed Elizabeth of Mantua

Today, February 19, is the memorial of Blessed Elizabeth of Mantua.

Known in life as Elizabeth Picenardi, this holy virgin was born in 1428 and was raised in Mantua, Italy. Since her childhood, she lived near the Servite Church in Mantua, which is why she became associated with the Servite Order. She would wear the habit later in life as a Servite tertiary. Women were so inspired by her holiness that they decided to follow her and become third-order Servites as well.

As a young girl, she resolved to keep her virginity in imitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. When her father Leonard attempted to marry her to a rich man, Elizabeth refused.

She spent her life praying and receiving the Holy Eucharist. In fact, she loved the sacraments so much that she would be weeping with joy.

Elizabeth was not a healthy woman. She bore her illnesses with complete faith in God, always thanking the Lord for the trials He was sending her.

The Lord always gave her the strength to bear her infirmities and even blessed her with the gift of interior knowledge and prophecy. People would come to her to seek spiritual direction and advice. She was even able to accurately predict the day and hour of her death in 1468.

Pope Pius VII beatified Elizabeth in 1804.