Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed Lucien Botovasoa

Today, April 14, is the memorial of Blessed Lucien Botovasoa.

Lucien was born in 1908 in Madagascar. He was a most prayerful man who enjoyed reading the lives of the saints. He was also attracted to the religious life so much that his wife was worried that Lucien would leave her to join a religious order.

He became a professed member of the Secular Franciscans, and took it upon himself to imitate St. Francis of Assisi. During his life, he became an instructor to the youth and director of the parish choir.

In 1947, Christian persecution took place. Christians, laypersons and religious, were being jailed and killed for their faith.  When Lucien learned that the anti-Christian forces were after him, he refused to run away.

He was eventually arrested and beheaded for his faith. The guards and the executioner were his former students. His body was later thrown into the river.

Lucien was beatified in 2018 by Cardinal Maurice Piat.