Order of Carmelites

Memorial of the Seven Holy Brothers of Rome

Today, July 10, is the memorial of the Seven Holy Brothers of Rome.

During the persecution of Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, the prefect Publius tried to convince the seven brothers (Januarius, Felix, Philip, silvanus, Alexander, Vitalis, and Martialis) to venerate pagan idols.

With their uncompromising faith in God and the encouragement of their mother, the martyr Saint Felicitas (who was forced to watch her children get executed), all seven were condemned to death.

The strategy of the authorities was to kill each one in a different place so as to terrorize all Christians.

Thus on July 10 in the year 165, On the 10th of July, the brothers were martyred.

Januarius was scourged with leaded whips; Felix and Philip were beaten with whips and clubs; Silvanus was thrown from a very high cliff; Alexander, Vitalis, and Martialis were beheaded. They were interred in different cemeteries (that is, in Prætextatus, Maximus, and Giordani).