Order of Carmelites

To Love and to Suffer.

Image by  James Chan  from  Pixabay .

Image by James Chan from Pixabay.

Letter from Blessed Maria Crocifissa Curcio
to Sr Maria Angela Grammatico

My dearest daughter, Sister Maria Angela,

I’m tired. Today, I wrote so much against my poor strength and I thought I’d write to you another time, but […] you wish to read the poor mother, who loves you so much and prays a lot for each one of you, to have the true religious spirit!

Oh, this burning yearning consumes me, I would like my daughters to be holy, Holy lovers of the Cross!

This is the spirit of Carmel: to Love and to Suffer.

Be the restorer in the house where the Providence predestined you for His glory and for your holiness.

Repair the coldness and unloyalty of Jesus’ friends at the foot of the Tabernacle.

Oh, how much the Heart of Jesus in the Host suffers in your own home, I am the Reason! Repair with your love … and console the Heart of your Divine Bridegroom. Console the poor Superiors, so dissatisfied!

And your workshop and the aspirants? Pour in their heart words of Charity, of Love to the Supreme Good, who lives in your home. Inspire the people you love, to approach the Christian spirit.

Be very cautious, pray a lot and so, you will have the peace and you will communicate it to those who bring you closer to the community.