Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Rose of Lima

Today, August 23, is the memorial of Saint Rose of Lima.

Secondary patroness of the Philippines.

Born in 1586, Rose was a beautiful girl and devoted daughter. She was so devoted to her vow of chastity that she used pepper and lye to ruin her complexion so she would not be attractive.

In emulation of her fellow Dominican tertiary Saint Catherine of Siena, this mystic observed rigorous fasts and severe penances.

Rose supported her family despite her parents expressing their opposition to her calling in life. She managed to sell flowers, raise vegetables, work in the farm, and made embroidered items for sale. She reserved a room in her house to care for the sick and the marginalized.

She died of natural causes at age 31 in 1617. Pope Clement IX beatified her in 1668. Pope Clement X canonized Rose in 1671.