Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed Maria of Jesus

Today, September 11, is the memorial of Blessed Maria of Jesus.

Maria Lopez de Rivas Martinez was born in 1560, and grew up in a small hamlet near Madrid. She inherited a vast amount of wealth after her father’s death. When her mother re-married, she was left to the care of her paternal grandparents.

When she was 14, she desired to dedicate her life to God and her Jesuit director guided Mary to the Carmelites. St. Teresa of Avila herself accepted the 17-year old Mary, who entered the monastery of Toledo.

At first, the nuns made an issue out of Maria’s application to the monastery, stating that her poor health is not suited for the Carmelite life. St. Teresa intervened and told them Maria should be accepted “even if it  should prove necessary for Maria to stay in bed all her life.”

St. Teresa spent some time at the Toledo convent and got to know Maria well. St. Teresa once said: “Ah, my daughter, much has been told me about you, but it does not compare with what I myself see.”

Maria was devoted to the Holy Eucharist and would spend the greater part of the day (and night) in front of the Blessed Sacrament. There, she would fall into ecstasy.

She was novice mistress and then sub-prioress. She became prioress at age 31. Calumniated by one nun, Maria was kicked out from office and forbidden any office for 20 years.

She bore this trial with humility and patience. Her spirit of forgiveness and love gained her the admiration of the community. Years later, the Superior General (who when Provincial has deposed Maria from office) learned that accusations against her were false and reinstated her as prioress. He begged from her pardon.

Maria died at the age of 80 in 1640. She was beatified by Pope St. Paul VI in 1976.

Her incorrupt body is venerated in a marble sarcophagus in the Carmelite Convent of St. Joseph in Toledo.