Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Gerard Sagredo

Today, September 24, is the memorial of Saint Gerard Sagredo.

His father, also named Gerard, and mother Catherine waited for three years for his arrival. He was actually baptized George, after St. George. When his father died during a pilgrimage, he was renamed Gerard.

When he was five, Gerard was miraculously cured. The recovery was credited to the Benedictine monks of the San Giorgio Maggiore Abbey in Venice. His family later sent him to the monastery for studies. He became a Benedictine monk and strictly followed the Benedictine rule.

He passed through Hungary while on a pilgrimage to Palestine. There he met with Saint Stephen the King who persuaded him to stay and minister to the Magyars. He became tutor of Prince Saint Emeric and the first bishop of Csanad, Hungary in 1035.

Gerard was martyred during a pagan uprising. One account states that he was stabbed to death with a lance, and his body thrown into the Danube River.

He was canonized in 1083 by Pope St. Gregory VII.