Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed Luigi & Maria Quattrocchi

Today, November 25, is the memorial of Blessed Luigi and Maria Quattrocchi.

The first married couple to be beatified together.

Luigi Vita Quattrocchi was an adopted son of his aunt and uncle while keeping in close contact with his biological parents. He eventually became a lawyer and held various important positions in banks and government agencies. He retired as an honorary attorney general of Italy.

Maria Corsini was from a noble family. She enjoyed excellent schooling and a very religious upbringing. She became a professor and writer on education and culture, and a member of various associations such as the Women’s Catholic Action and the Red Cross.

They got married in 1905 and had four children: diocesan priest Filippo, Benedictine nun Stefania, Trappist monk Cesare, and laywoman Enrichetta.

The youngest, Enrichetta, was the product of a life-threatening pregnancy. Doctors advised Maria to have the baby aborted. Maria refused, and prayed for her and baby Enrichetta’s survival and safe delivery. Enrichetta went on to live a holy and virtuous life—she is now a candidate for beatification, known as Venerable Enrichetta Quattrocchi.

Luigi and Maria later founded Catholic organizations and were associated with many religious institutions. They were active in helping the poor. They were also members of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance. During World War II, their home became a shelter for Jews and other refugees despite the fact that their action was a dangerous thing to do.

Luigi died of a heart attack in 1951 while Maria passed away in 1965.

They were beatified by Pope Saint John Paul II in 2001 in the presence of their children Filippo, Cesare, and Venerable Enrichetta (Stefania died in 1993). Their sons Filippo and Cesare concelebrated the beatification Mass with the Pope. They became the first husband and wife to be named “Blessed” together.

Their memorial is November 25—their wedding day.