Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Angela Merici

Today, January 27, is the memorial of Saint Angela Merici.

Foundress of the Company of Saint Ursula (Ursulines).

Angela Merici was born on a farm near Deserzano del Garda, Italy in 1474. Both Angela and her sister became orphans at a very young age and were adopted by their uncle. Her sister suddenly died, and Angela was pained by the thought that her sister did not receive the last sacraments. Later, she saw in a vision her sister, already in heaven. Soon, Angela became a member of the Third Order of St. Francis.

Angela was a beautiful woman and had striking hair. Not wanting to be distracted from her love of God, she decided to color her hair with a black powdery and flaky substance to turn off unwanted attention from suitors and admirers.

She again received a vision, this time there were young virgins inspired to follow her ministry of educating young girls. Meanwhile, Angela went on a pilgrimage to Holy Land. When she reached Crete in Greece, she was struck blind. Her friends wanted to go back, but she insisted on continuing to go to the shrines. Amazingly, she did without worrying about her sight. Her eyesight came back later while she was praying before a holy cross.

In November 1535, Angela put together pious young women who would form the first members of the Company of Saint Ursula (Ursulines), named after the patroness of universities. The community was founded for Christian education and instruction.

The foundress died of natural causes in 1540. Angela was beatified in 1768 by Pope Clement XIII. She was canonized by Pope Pius VII in 1807.

Her incorrupt body rests in a beautiful glass case in the Church of Saint Angela Merici in Brescia, Italy.