Order of Carmelites

Commemoration of St. Eulogio of Cordoba

Today, March 11, is the memorial of Saint Eulogio of Cordoba.

Eulogio was the son of a senatorial family from Cordoba, Spain. He was a well-respected priest and ecclesiastical school head who provided support to Christian martyrs and their survivors. This was the time of the Islamic persecutions in Moorish-occupied Spain.

He was arrested several times for being a Christian. In prison he wrote ‘Exhortation to Martyrdom.’ He was appointed to succeed the Archbishop of Toledo, Spain, but was never consecrated. He was jailed because he gave shelter to St. Leocritia.

He was a fearless preacher: he gave a sermon on the Gospels in court and to the king‘s counsel.

For refusing to give up his faith, Eulogio was scourged and beheaded in 859. His body rests in the Oviedo Cathedral.