Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“For predominant figures in the history of Carmel in the West, I need only point to five great saints who summarize in themselves the Order’s life. Three are from the 13th century and two from the 14th. The great Saints Berthold, Brocard, and Cyril are deeply contemplative souls, as one would expect of those who dwelt on Carmel. St. Simon Stock stands at the beginning of the Order’s history in the West. In the 13th century, it is Sts. Angelus and Albert; while in the 14th appear Sts. Andrew Corsini and Peter Thomas. These are living proofs that the life of Carmel could still flourish in the West and it is remarkable that these saints of the West are examples of the perfect harmony of the active and contemplative life. We are inclined to judge this transition period by the sharp denunciations of Nicholas Gallus. But this judgment is not just, as this period also had its shining stars.”

Bl. Titus Brandsma

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📸 Ritche T. Salgado, O.Carm.