Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“She also knows the image of the Bridegroom knocking at the door of our souls and waiting for admission. Remarkable also is the stress laid on the necessity of practising the virtues as a preparation, accompaniment and fruit of mystical life. They have in common the image of flying before the wings are fledged. By her also love is emphasized as a means of union with God. St. Teresa especially loves the image of the sun and its light and the image of the precious stone, the diamond, in whose inmost heart the light dwells, shining forth on all sides. Not only in the deepest meaning of the metaphorical language is there agreement but also in the description of the successive degrees of the mystical life. Henry Hane’s description and St. Teresa’s are almost identical. Also it is most interesting to note how both teach that the supernatural is built upon natural foundations and that the supernatural is the development of the natural potentialities.”

Bl. Titus Brandsma

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📸 Ritche T. Salgado, O.Carm.