Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

The second form of meditation is reading the Sacred Scriptures and spiritual books. Here as well, he distinguishes various steps by which we can mount upwards: (1) Primarily we must read to get to know truth and to extend our knowledge of heavenly things. Love for this knowledge must urge us to take up Holy Writ and edifying books. (2) Not only must we read to know, we must let ourselves be caught by truth, we must invite it to work its influence upon our minds by mentally pondering the words. Only then will our reading be not a barren knowledge but a power to lift us up and support us. (3) Truth should not be something that only illumines our mind and satisfies our craving for knowledge; it should be a motive power lifting us above ourselves, not keeping us shut up in our own minds. (4) The fourth step is not to remain inactive, but to turn that which we have read over and over in our minds, to combine it with what has been read or heard before, that it may grow into a living whole, giving a certain direction to our acts. (5) After we have assimilated it, we must again make it the subject of our contemplation so as to find joy in the possession of truth. (6) This contemplation should vivify our love for God’s laws, should deepen our sense of that same law and our sense of God’s grace, so that we may be inclined to do those things that, though not obligatory, yet tend to God’s honor and glory and which we ought to do if we truly love God.

This love for the divine law and the glory of God will, in the end, bridle our passions and, ever freer and less hampered by our evil inclinations, we shall cleave to God and serve only Him.

Bl. Titus Brandsma

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📸 Ritche T. Salgado, O.Carm.