Order of Carmelites

Commemoration of St. Frances of Rome

Today, March 9, is the commemoration of Saint Frances of Rome.

Patron saint of drivers.

Foundress of the Oblates of the Tor de’ Specchi (Collatines).

Born to the aristocracy in 1384, Frances was the daughter of Paul Bussa and Jacobella de’ Roffredeschi. She wanted to pursue her religious calling, but her parents got in the way. They forced Frances to get married, at age 12, to Lorenzo de’ Ponziani. She honored the sacrament of marriage that she made it last– 40 years.  

Frances shared her wealth with the poor and the sick, and led a life of contemplation. These things led to the founding of the Oblates of Tor de’ Specchi.

Her virtues edified everyone and pleased God. She was blessed with many mystical gifts: miracles, ecstasy, visions of her guardian angel, revelations on Purgatory and Hell, prophecy, reading of consciences, among others.

On her feast day, priests bless cars due to her patronage of cars and drivers. Although she never exactly drove any vehicle, Frances, it was said, was often traveling at night. Her trusty guardian angel walked in front of her, lighting her path with a very bright lantern and ensuring her safe travel.

Frances died of natural causes in 1440. She was canonized in 1608 by Pope Paul V.