Order of Carmelites

From the Prior Provincial and Council


My dear brothers, sisters, and friends in Carmel,

Health in the Lord and the blessing of the Holy Spirit!

The Prior Provincial and Council of the Philippine Carmelite Province of Blessed Titus Brandsma wish everyone a meaningful and blessed celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel!

This year’s celebration is different from what we have grown used to over the years as people around the world continue to face the invisible but dreaded enemy that is COVID-19. Given the health and safety protocols imposed for our own well-being, celebrations are more subdued and people are not encouraged to congregate in huge numbers. However, this does not mean that our commemoration of this special day for all Carmelites has to be less significant or meaningful by any means.

Regardless of the external conditions we are experiencing, nothing keeps us from expressing the same personal fervor we’ve always had in venerating this Lady, who does not need to prove her fidelity to God and her constant care for us. Throughout our long history as Carmelites, she has shown her maternal care and has never failed to pray for those who ask for her intercession.

To us Carmelites, Mary is truly a mother and a sister.

As she is our mother, we do not have to win her love. This fills us with an additional dose of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence which comes from the feeling of deserving to be loved for who we are, not for what we do. When Mary accepted God’s invitation to be the mother of our Savior, she consequently became the mother of all people. She revealed her tenderness, strength, and willingness to sacrifice for her children. Thus, ours is a healthy relationship with the Lady of Mount Carmel, based on unconditional love, affection, respect, and obedience to the will of God.

And because she is our sister, we feel so bonded to her that even if we sometimes feel distant or indifferent, we still know and believe that she is always there for us. When we find ourselves in the same room as our sister who remains silent, we find comfort in knowing that we both know how the other is feeling. It must be the assurance that at the end of the day, we can always call on her love, understanding, and support. Mary, as our sister, never ceases to look after us. She is there as our collaborator, co-conspirator, role model, protector, goad, playmate, counselor. She teaches us how to and how not to resolve conflicts, how to enjoy and when to walk away from certain company. How to share and how to care without losing our dignity or self-respect. In short, she is our constant companion and guide in this earthly journey.

This complex and very difficult situation that we are now facing requires from us a deeper connection and a stronger bond with Mary, our Mother and Sister.

We, the Carmelites in the Philippines, are intent in celebrating this fiesta as a day of thanksgiving and a momentous occasion to reaffirm our faith in God, who never abandons us. It is heartwarming to see that instead of being discouraged by the physical limitations imposed by our current quarantine situation, our confreres have only become more creative and innovative in sharing their novenas and masses to the faithful. We sincerely commend and appreciate all these unique efforts to gather people online and maintain the sanctity of this important feast day of Our Lady.

No amount of difficulty can stop us from marking this day as a day of grace and blessing for all. We assure all friends of Carmel, devotees of the Brown Scapular, members of confraternities, lay Carmelites, Carmelite nuns and sisters and friars that you will be in our prayers on this joyous day, and that your mass offerings and intentions will be included in our novena masses — especially in our Feast Day masses.

As we commemorate this special feast day, we would also like to request all of you to remember in prayer our brothers and sisters who have been adversely affected by the limited economic activity caused by lockdowns and quarantines. Let us also pray for fair and just governance in our country, for the rule of law to prevail, and for all people to respect and promote every right we have as citizens and as human beings. Let us pray for goodwill and reconciliation in our society, and for genuine peace to begin in our own homes and communities.

Finally, we pray for those directly affected by the pandemic – for those who have fallen ill to recover and for those who died to find eternal repose. Let us also pray for strength and consolation for the bereaved families.

Truly, these unusual times bring unusual challenges. But with unusual faith, courage, and compassion, we will all be able to overcome all these adversities together.

May our dearest Lady, the Queen Beauty of Mount Carmel, fill our hearts with zeal and hope.

Happy fiesta to all!

Yours in Carmel,

Prior Provincial
