Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“God’s Spirit must have his own way with us, to blow through us, that he fill us as broadly and abundantly as our hearts, created for the infinite, permit… the fresh breeze is directed at the doors and windows of the study dwelling of our soul, we suffocate in the choking atmosphere of our worldly existence, but we fail to throw aside the barriers and to let the breath of the Holy Spirit pass through our hearts… We know we are not one with Him and don’t live through Him, in Him, with Him. And yet, that is the first requisite in order to be a real Catholic. The awareness of this has faded in too many people. If it lived on in its broadest horizons, we would see other things. We do not pray without meaning that God send his Spirit and that all be recreated and the face of the earth be renewed. This is of vital importance for the Church.”

Bl. Titus Brandsma

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Photo by Br. Ritche T. Salgado, O.Carm.