Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“The higher the soul stands on the ladder of mystical union, the more harmoniously will her faculties work together… What she (Teresa of Avila) stressed in the beginning as strongly as possible, namely, that the ascent to God has to be a perfecting of man’s nature, she maintains as well in her description of the higher degrees with even more emphasis if that is possible. Here human nature appears in all the splendor of an harmonious development…

Am I glad to be able to draw your attention to this, because the notion is rather widespread that mystical grace destroys nature…
Nature is not annihilated. God who created us to his image and likeness, will see that likeness made as striking as possible, not by having it absorbed into his essence, but by leaving it by itself and united with him, resting in him in the highest development of its being.”

Bl. Titus Brandsma

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Photo by Annie Spratt | Unsplash