Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“Let us not always look at the dark night to which St. John introduces us. Light gleams afar and is already breaking through the blackness. With him we chant the words of the Bride: Flores apparuerunt, ‘The flowers are already coming up.’ We cannot always, nay we may even seldom, stay in the contemplation of the unimaginable, the imageless; so God Who wishes to purify us and free us from everything that might separate us from Him, purifies and uproots us, even in a painful manner. The cross stands on the clouds as a sign of victory. The Bridegroom opens His arms to fold us to His breast and give Himself completely to us. At His side stands Mary our Mother with the cry of exultation on her lips, ‘Behold, He Who is mighty, has done great things in me. What He did in me and bestowed on me, He will likewise bestow on you and do for you, if you follow my lead, if you will be my children.'”

St. Titus Brandsma

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📸 Matt Palmer | Unsplash