Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“In the first place surely, comes her desire to converse with God, to lead a higher life for and through Him. She thoroughly understands that the living God who fills heaven and earth, and at the same time dwells in our innermost heart must be the object of our thoughts and love. Most striking in her life is, therefore, her living in God’s presence. She may justly repeat the words of Elias the Prophet: “God lives and I stand before His face.” To strengthen this in her mind she fostered the devotion to the Holy Face, called herself after it, pictured it for herself. It was an unsurpassed means, not only to see God as man, but to ascend through His Humanity to the Deity, and to live in the bosom of the Trinity as she had lived there from eternity.”

St. Titus Brandsma

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