Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“However, the double spirit of the prophet is spoken of in a third sense as the harmonious union of the human exercise of virtue and the divine infusion of the mystical life; the union of the via purgativa and illuminativa with the via unitiva. It is in this third sense that the old institution of the Order has taken the double spirit of Elias and this double spirit we must ask of Heaven. Our institution must reflect this double spirit; the life of the exercise of virtue in individual or social activity, founded on a life of prayer, and the life of continual practice of meditation, crowned by active contemplation or prayer of simplicity and that other spirit unspeakably more exalted: the mystical, real experience of God, even in this life. It must be the union of active and passive contemplation, the union of human endeavor and the infusion of the mystical life by God. Our sufferings and sacrifices, our labors and exercises in prayer and virtue will be rewarded by God with the beatifying vision of His love and greatness.”

Bl. Titus Brandsma

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📸 Joanna Kosinska | Unsplash