Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“It is not in the least my intention to anticipate what is going to be said this afternoon about human knowing, yet I cannot delineate my concept of philosophy for you if, from the outset, I have not pointed to the twofold aspect that our knowledge has: something that is of us and something that is not of us; how in knowledge the first antithesis already reveals itself to us, how the thesis of the self encloses the antithesis of the not-self, and that we should not too prematurely seek to reconcile the self and the not-self because we simply live in antitheses and are unable to simply equate everything. Awareness of our independence goes hand-in-hand with that of our dependence, the absolute cannot be set apart from all connections.”

St. Titus Brandsma

From the talk “The Concept of Philosophy” translated by Susan Verkerk-Wheatley and Anne-Marie Bos.

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