Order of Carmelites

Flowers of Carmel

“Such in brief outline is the Eucharistic tradition of Carmel; with Elias we walk in the strength of that divine bread and since we would draw near to the life of God in prayer, we must be ever mindful of the Savior’s command, ‘Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you cannot have life in you.’ Just as the communion of Elias in the miraculous bread of the desert led him in his journey to the contemplation of God on Horeb, so too, the Holy Eucharist must lead us to the contemplation of His Holy Face. In the caves of Horeb, God spoke to the Prophet by the voice of the gentle, whispering wind. The Lord was not in the storm nor in the earthquake, but in the gentle wind. So after Communion we must contemplate under the Eucharistic species and in the depths of our spirit; for now God passes.”

Bl. Titus Brandsma

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📸 Muhammad Muzamil | Unsplash

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