Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed Aloysius Rabata

Today, May 8, is the memorial of Blessed Aloysius Rabata.

Carmelite friar and martyr.

Aloysius was born in 1443 in modern-day Sicily, Italy.

He entered the Carmelite Order at the Annunziata convent in Trapani at an early age. He was appointed prior of the Carmelite community of St. Michael in the town of Randazzo.

As a prior, he gained the respect and admiration of his community. He never made anyone in the community feel that he was above them. In fact, Aloysius joined in whatever task the community needed.

He went around Randazzo begging for food and other necessities. When poor people would ask alms from him, Aloysius never refused them.

He lived on bread and water alone, and was a model of virtue.

At age 47, Aloysius died in Randazzo in 1490. According to tradition, a man named Antonio Catalucci struck Aloysius in the head with an arrow. The reason? Aloysius called him out for an extravagant dress. The Carmelite died after months of suffering from the wound of the attack. Aloysius pardoned his attacker.

He was beatified in 1841 by Pope Gregory XVI.