Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed Baptist Spagnoli

Today, April 17, is the memorial of Blessed Baptist Spagnoli of Mantua.

Prior General of the Order of Carmelites.

Born in 1447 of a noble Spanish family that moved to Italy, Baptist entered the Order of Carmelites in Ferrara and professed his religious vows in 1464.

He was elected six times as Vicar General for the Reformed Congregation (the Mantuan Reform).

At the end of his life, Baptist became Prior General for the whole Order of Carmelites (1513-16).

As a respected, well-known humanist, Baptist used his gift of poetry to serve the Church. He encouraged his scholar-friends to follow the example of Jesus.

From Baptist’s treatise ‘On Patience” (Book 3, Chapter 32) it is written, “You will find that the reading of Sacred Scripture is a great and powerful remedy against bodily suffering and depression of mind. In my opinion, there is no other writing, no matter how eloquent and stylish it may be, that can bring such peace to our minds and so thoroughly dissolve our cares as Sacred Scripture can.”

He died of natural causes in 1516. Pope Leo XIII beatified him in 1890.