Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed Jose Gregorio Hernandez

Today, October 26, is the memorial of Blessed Jose Gregorio Hernandez.

The future physician was born in 1864 in Trujillo, Venezuela. His parents, seller Benigno and housekeeper Josefa Antonia, had six children of which Jose Gregorio was the eldest.

He had wanted to study law, but Josefa Antonia successfully convinced him to take medicine instead. He took the course and graduated from the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas.

Around this time he felt called to enter the religious life, and so became a Secular Franciscan. He even entertained the idea of becoming a Carthusian monk. He took some theology subjects in Rome, but was forced to go back to Caracas due to health problems.

For Jose, this was a sign that the religious life was not for him. Instead, he focused on his apostolate as a medical doctor. He never married. He devoted his life to prayer. He served the sick and the poor for free, even using his own money to buy them medicines.

In 1919, the Spanish flu pandemic was still raging across the country. Jose was performing his duties again for free. While on his way to bring medicine that he bought for an old patient, Jose was hit by a car in 1919. He died from his accident at age 54.

He was beatified in 2021 by Archbishop Aldo Giordano in Caracas, Venezuela.

His memorial was supposed to be on June 29, but was moved to October 26, his birthday, so as not to come in conflict with the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.