Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed Sadok & Companions

Today, June 2, is the memorial of Blessed Sadok & the 48 Martyrs of Sandomierz.

They were a group of 49 Dominicans, some of whom received the habit from St. Dominic de Guzman himself. They worked separately and together to bring the faith and establish the Dominican Order in Poland, basing their operations in and around Sandomierz.

Before they were killed, the prior Sadok said, “It is a painful reprimand, brothers – the Giver of life must be calling us to immortality through our death. May Lord forgive these heathens their crime, as they have not seen the light of the Gospel yet. Perhaps our martyrdom will save the Polish nation and God Almighty will extend his mercy to this land, where His faithful children shed blood to protect other nations.”

In 1260 they were all martyred by the Mongols during the Sack of Sandomierz as they were singing the Salve Regina at Compline.

Servant of God Pope Pius VII beatified the holy martyrs in 1807.