Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Blessed William of Toulouse

Today, May 18, is the memorial of Blessed William of Toulouse.

William was born around the year 1297 in Toulouse, France. At age 19 he joined the Augustinians. He studied in Paris and then became prior of the community in Pamiers, France.

Most of his life he spent as a simple friar in Toulouse. He was a beloved spiritual director and exorcist. He was also a popular and powerful preacher who inspired many to join the religious life. Sadly, his sermons were not preserved, and his only writing that survived the years was the “Vision of the Punishments in Purgatory and Hell.”

Prayer and contemplation were things he loved best. He promoted the devotion to the Virgin Mary under the title “Sorrowful Mother” and encouraged people to pray for the souls in Purgatory.

He lived an austere life and took the time to care for the poor and neglected in the area.

He died of natural causes in Toulouse in 1369. His mortal remains were buried in the graveyard of the Saint Etienne Monastery. As he proved to be a miracle worker after his death, William, or at least his body, was transferred to the St. Mary Magdalene Chapel, his favorite place to celebrate Mass.

Pope Leo XIII beatified him in 1893.