Order of Carmelites

Memorial of Pope St. Sylvester I

Today, December 31, is the memorial of Pope Saint Sylvester I.

Pope Sylvester I was the 33rd pope of the Catholic Church, born around the year 250 in Avelino. He was the son of Rufinus.

Little is known about him. Accounts of his pontificate in the Liber Pontificalis only showed the favors that Emperor Constantine gave him. Under his watch, large churches were built such as the Basilica of St. John Lateran, the Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, Old St. Peter’s Basilica, and other churches built over the graves of martyrs.

During the frightening reign of Emperor Diocletian, Sylvester encouraged confessors and martyrs to hold on to their faith for the love of God.

He became pope in 314 and reigned until 335.