Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Augustine of Hippo

Today, August 28, is the memorial of Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Doctor of the Church.

Augustine was born in 354 in modern-ay Algeria. He was the son of Patricius, a pagan who converted on his death bed, and of St. Monica, who never stopped praying for her son’s conversion to the Catholic faith.

Despite being raised a Christian, Augustine lost his faith and led a wild life, associating himself with friends who sought sexual satisfaction.

As a teenager, Augustine had an intimate relationship with a Carthaginian woman. He fathered a son whom he named Adeotadus.

He taught rhetoric at Carthage and Milan, Italy. After investigating and experimenting with several philosophies, he became a Manichaean for several years– much to St. Monica’s consternation. A summation of his thinking at the time comes from his “Confessions”: “God, give me chastity and continence – but not just now.”

Through the prayers of St. Monica, Augustine returned to the Christian life and was baptized by St. Ambrose of Milan. When Monica died, Augustine went back to Africa, sold his property, gave the proceeds to the poor, and founded a monastery.

He became Bishop of Hippo in 396 and founded religious communities. He fought Manichaeism, Donatism, Pelagianism, and other heresies.

His later thinking can also be summed up in a line from his writings: “Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.”

He died of natural causes in 430. He was proclaimed Doctor of the Church by Pope Boniface VIII in 1298.