Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Denis & Companion-Martyrs

Today, October 9, is the memorial of Saint Denis & Companion-Martyrs.

Patron saint invoked against headaches.

Saints Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius were missionaries in Paris. Nothing more is known about Denis’ companions. Denis was appointed the first Bishop of Paris. It was said that they were so successful in converting many non-Christians that the authorities felt threatened. The pagans promptly told the Emperor Decius about him and his fellow missionaries. They were then thrown in jail for a long period of time and were beheaded.

Denis is said to have picked his head up after being beheaded and walked 10 kilometers, while preaching a sermon of repentance and conversion the entire way.

The spot where he stopped preaching and died later became the Saint Denis Basilica, where the kings of France are buried.