Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Emilina of Boulancourt

Today, October 27, is the memorial of Saint Emilina of Boulancourt.

Patron saint of single lay women.

Born in 1115, the young Emilina joined the Cistercian Abbey of Boulancourt at Longeville, France. Emilina became a lay sister and was known for her intense prayer life, extreme way of fasting, and severe self-imposed penances such as wearing a pointed chain under her habit, walking barefooted throughout the year, and fasting from food and liquids three days a week.

Pilgrims began visiting the abbey when word got around that she was a holy woman. They sought her for prayers and spiritual guidance. 

Emilina was blessed with gift of prophesy. She would talk about visitors before they arrived. She rejected personal honors. She dealt with pilgrims with humility and patience, and showed concern about their relationship with God.

She died of natural causes in 1178.