Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. John of God

Today, March 8, is the memorial of Saint John of God.

Founder of the Hospitaller Order of the Brothers of Saint John of God (San Juan de Dios).

Born in 1495 in Portugal, John came from an upper class family that went broke. He ended up a shepherd in Spain.

As a young man, John led a wild and carefree lifestyle. He travelled around Europe and North Africa as a soldier in the army of Charles V, and as a mercenary. He faced psychological problems at some point. He sold religious books and pictures in Gibraltar.

One day, John thought about his life and God’s plan for him. The Child Jesus appeared to John in a vision and called him John of God.

Soon after, he gave up his worldly life and started caring for the sick, poor, homeless, and rejects of society. He gave away his own possessions so that others may live. He carried the crippled and made many conversions.

John soon attracted followers and this became the Order of Hospitallers. Their main ministry is caring for the sick.

At age 55 in 1550, John died while praying before a crucifix. He was then buried in the church of the Minims.

John was beatified in 1630 by Pope Urban VIII. He was canonized by Pope Alexander VIII in 1690.