Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Today, October 16, is the memorial of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.

Visionary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Margaret Mary was born in Burgundy, France in 1647. She healed from a crippling disorder by a vision of the Blessed Virgin, which prompted her to give her life to God. After receiving a vision of Christ fresh from the Scourging, she decided to join the Order of the Visitation at Paray-le-Monial in 1671.

She received revelations from Our Lord starting in 1673. These visions included 12 promises to her and to those who practiced a true to devotion to His Sacred Heart, whose crown of thorns represents His sacrifices. The main features of this devotion included Holy Communion on first Fridays, the Holy Hour on Thursdays, and celebration of the feast of the Sacred Heart. The devotion encountered violent opposition, especially in Jansenist areas, but has become widespread and popular.

She suffered greatly from carrying out Jesus’ instructions to her. Inside and outside of her community, Margaret Mary endured psychological and verbal abuses. However, she bore all these trials with patience, humility, and prudence.

She died in 1690. She was beatified in 1864 by Blessed Pope Pius IX. She was canonized in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV.