Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Pancratius

Today, May 12, is the memorial of Saint Pancratius.

Patron saint invoked against headaches and cramps.

Pancratius was born in 289 near present-day Turkey. His parents Cleonius and Cyriada both died when he was very young.

With his uncle Dionysius’ support, he studied in Rome. They became Christian converts, with Pancratius becoming the most ardent Christian of the time. His virtuous way of life earned him the respect of Pope Marcellin.

When the emperor Diocletian decided to kill all Christians, Pancratius and Dionysius became instant targets. Both were brought to the jury, with Dionysius the first to be killed.

Diocletian wanted to save Pancratius, as the emperor considered Cleonius a friend. The emperor tried to make Pancratius give up his Christian faith, offering the teenager with gifts, wealth, and privileges. Pancratius refused everything.

All this made the emperor very angry and ordered Pancratius, aged 14, to be beheaded that year 304.