Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Rosa Venerini

Today, May 7, is the memorial of Saint Rosa Venerini.

Foundress of the Maestre Pie Venerini (MPV) or the Venerini Sisters.

Following the deaths of her fiancé and her father, Rosa entered a period of intense discernment. Exactly what was God trying to tell her?

Rosa invited neighborhood women to pray the rosary in her home, and formed a sort of sodality. Since these women had little schooling, Rosa decided to teach them. Her spiritual director, Fr. Ignatius Martinelli, SJ, advised her to pursue the path of education.

In 1685, Rosa’s friends Gerolama and Porzia helped her establish a free preparatory school for girls.

Seven years later, Cardinal Marcantonio Barbarigo of Montefiascone requested Rosa to lead the training of teachers in his diocese. She put up schools for the rest of her life that, by the time of her death, 40 schools were credited to her. Along the way, Rosa was aided by her friend St. Lucia Filippini.

There were many challenges and oppositions along Rosa’s way. She knew that nothing should get in the way of promoting God’s love and accomplishing His mission for her.

Later on, the sodality of women she organized into a prayer group was elevated to the rank of a congregation, the Venerini Sisters.

She died of natural causes in 1728 at age 72.

She was beatified in 1952 by Venerable Pope Pius XII. Pope Benedict XVI canonized Mother Rosa in 2006.