Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Scholastica

Today, February 10, is the memorial of Saint Scholastica.

Twin sister of Saint Benedict.

St. Gregory the Great wrote in the “Dialogues” that Scholastica was born to the Italian nobility in the year 480 in Umbria, Italy.  

As a young lady, Scholastica has consecrated herself to God. It was her habit to visit Benedict once a year. Benedict would then receive her within the monastery grounds.

That day, the twins did nothing but praise God and talk about holy matters. It went on and on until they noticed that it was already late.

“Kindly don’t leave me, let’s keep talking about the joys of the spiritual life until morning,” Scholastica said. Benedict replied, “What are you talking about? I cannot stay outside.”

At this refusal, Scholastica bowed her head and prayed. When she raised her head, a great thunderstorm began. Benedict and his disciples were shocked.

“God forgive you, sister. What have you done?” Benedict said.

“I asked you to stay, but you refused. I asked God, and He listened. Now go—if you can,” she answered. And so Benedict stayed and their spiritual conversation continued the entire night.

Three days later, Benedict was in his monastery. When he looked up to the heavens, he saw Scholastica’s soul, in the form of a dove, fly up to God. He ordered his brothers to bury her body in the tomb he had prepared for himself.