Order of Carmelites

Memorial of St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch

Today, January 11, is the memorial of Saint Theodosius the Cenobiarch.

A cenobiarch is basically an abbot or a leader of people living a life in common, which was what Theodosius became. He was born in Cappadocia, Turkey to pious parents Proheresius and Eulogia. In later life, Eulogia would become a nun and would choose her own son Theodosius to serve as her spiritual father.

In his youth, Theodosius looked up to Abraham’s example. He then left family and friends to serve and follow the Lord.

He met St. Symeon the Stylite in his journey. When Theodosius came to St. Symeon’s pillar, the latter knew him by name and asked him to come up. When Theodosius reached the top, Symeon predicted that he would become a great man of God.

He would soon become a hermit in the desert. Soon he attracted followers because of his holiness. So great were their numbers that Theodosius built for them a monastery. He later established hospitals for those with physical and mental illnesses.

Theodosius fought Monophysitism, a heresy that the Emperor Anastasius subscribed to. The emperor tried to sway Theodosius by bribing him with money. The holy man instead gave the money away to the poor. An angry Anastasius kicked him out of office as chief. Theodosius later regained his position.

He continued to work well into his old age and to dedicate himself to prayer. He died of natural causes at age 105.