What We Do in Carmel
Spiritual Life Ministry
Institutes and Foundations
Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Mission in Papua New Guinea
Carmelites in Papua New Guinea
On October 19, 2008, the Philippine Carmelite Commissariat opened its new mission to Papua New Guinea. Three Filipino Carmelites were sent as pioneers to this mission — Fr. Perfecto Adeva, Jr., Fr. Reynold Caigoy, and Fr. Edwin Magbago — all of whom continue to serve the PNG Mission today. The year 2021 saw the presbyteral ordination of Paul Kaptain — the first fruit of the PNG mission and now a member of the St. Albert Carmelite Community of Papua New Guinea.
Fr. Jun Adeva, O.Carm.
Fr. Rey Caigoy, O.Carm.
Fr. Edwin Magbago, O.Carm.
Fr. Paul Kaptain Pakao, O.Carm.
Centers of Formation
Karith Postulancy
The postulancy period is intended to prepare the candidates to deepen their faith, their knowledge of themselves and of their personal and social histories, and their awareness of their own Carmelite vocation.
Spring of Carmel Novitiate
In the novitiate, the candidates are gradually initiated into life in the Spirit according to the Carmelite charism, which involves growth in Christian maturity and grounding their existence in the spirituality, tradition, and history of the Order.
St. Elijah Student Friary
As student friars, the professed brothers continue to develop in their contemplative dimension according to the style that is proper to Carmel. This includes deepening their dialogue with God in personal and communal prayer, participating in the liturgy and listening to the Word, complemented by studies in theology, humanities, and sciences while immersing with concrete realities of life in the midst of the people.