Order of Carmelites

Philippine Carmel establishes presence in Cabanatuan Diocese

The Order of Carmelites in the Philippines recently opened an ad experimentum community in the Diocese of Cabanatuan, through an invitation of the Bishop.

Fr. Marlon Beredo, O.Carm. and Fr. Michael Condes, O.Carm. will initially be assisting the rector of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Parish Cathedral, especially in its pastoral minisitries.

They will be joined by Fr. Baltazar Ronato, O.Carm., who at present is the director of the Bulong ng Simoy-Bahay Pananahimik Carmelite Spirituality Center in Dipaculao, Aurora.

To formalize the presence of the Order in the diocese a Memorandum of Agreement was signed between the Prior Provincial of the Philippine Carmelites, the Very Rev. Fr. Rico P. Ponce, O.Carm., and the Bishop of the Diocese of Cabantuan, The Most Rev. Sofronio Aguirre Bancud, D.D.

The MOA was witnessed by Fr. Noel Jetajobe, vicar general of the diocese; Fr. Jeffrey Alarilla, diocesan financial administrator; Fr. Joel Cariaso, vicar for religious; Fr. Sed Calderon, chancellor; and Fr. Esmeraldo Reforeal, O.Carm., provincial secretary and first councilor of the Order.

“We always acknowledge the fact that religious congregations are a gift to the church,” said Bishop Bancud.

He said that in the diocese, the different charisms of each religious congregation is being highlighted because it would help in the faith life of the faithful in the diocese.

“Together we would be able to build up the Body of Christ in the local church of Cabanatuan,” he added,

Prior Provincial Ponce expressed his gratitude to the bishop, the clergy, religious, and lay leaders of the Diocese for the warm welcome extended to the Order.

He said that despite that challenges that the Order is facing because of the pandemic, it is committed to contribute to the spiritual growth of the faithful in the Diocese.

The agreement stipulates that the Order will “participate in the mission of evangelization” in the territorial jurisdiction of the Diocese.

This will be done through the provision of “pastoral assistance in parishes and schools within the diocese.”

The agreement is effective for 25 years and renewable after that.

📸 Fr. Rico Ponce, O.Carm. and Fr. Ken Ombrog III, O.Carm.