Order of Carmelites

Fr. Kees Waaijman, O.Carm

Fr. Kees Waaijman, O.Carm

June 20, 1942 – April 2, 2023

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

The Province of St. Titus Brandsma (Philippines and Papua New Guinea) of the Order of Carmelites grieves with our brothers and sisters of the Netherland Province for the loss of a very dear confrere, Fr. Kees Waaijman, O.Carm.

Fr. Kees was very dear to us Filipino and Papua New Guinea Carmelites as he was instrumental to the growth of our ministry in spirituality, the Institute of Spirituality in Asia.

Through his many lectures and interactions with us, he helped us realize the true essence of lived spirituality and how as Carmelites we should be beacons of the beauty of the spiritual life.

He was a brother, a mentor, a father, a friend.

Fr. Kees peacefully passed on in the afternoon of April 2, surrounded by our brothers and sisters in Carmel, comforting him with the words of Psalm 23.

Fr. Kees, truly, you are a blessing to us and to the church.

Please say a prayer for the eternal repose of our brother Kees. (Daluyang Karmelo|CCSPC)

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