Order of Carmelites

Carmel Philippines reconnects with Dutch missionaries

The Prior Provincial and Council of the Philippine province of the Order of Carmelites recently reconnected with the Dutch missionairies who planted and nurtured the seed of Carmel in the country.

In a letter of invitation dated October 29, 2020, Fr. Rico Ponce, O.Carm., prior provincial of Philippine Carmel, asked Fr. Nico Hofstede, O.Carm. and Br. Arie Kuil, O.Carm., for a brief informal meeting via Zoom together with other Carmelite friars already in the Netherlands.

“We are grateful to our Dutch brothers who contributed so much, not just for the establishment of Philippine Carmel but more importantly for the Philippine Church,” said Fr. Rico in an interview after the meeting.

He said that the simple gesture of reconnecting with the friars is the least that the Province could do to express its gratitude for the service they have done.

Fr. Anton Korterik, O.Carm., for example, was the first to head the Episcopal Commission on Tribal Filipinos of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, while Fr. Peter Kramer, O.Carm. was known for empowering poor farmers, organizing them into cooperatives through the Basic Christian Communities.

Fr. Huub Welzen, O.Carm., prior provincial of Dutch Carmel, expressed his gratitude to Philippine Carmel for taking the initiative to meet the brothers who are now in their retirement back in the Netherlands.

He said that such a gesture would not only help the brothers, some of whom are already experiencing the problems of old age, but would also help in the continued growth of the relationship between the two Carmelite provinces.

Fr. Rico revealed that despite becoming an independent province of the Order, the Dutch Carmelites continue to support the province especially in its relief programs and other apostolates and ministries.

“We are indeed grateful to our Mother Province for continuing to give us the support that we need for us to be more effective in ministering to those in need,” said Fr. Rico.

Present during the meeting was the Prior Provincial and Council of the Philippine province: Fr. Rico, Fr. Esmeraldo Reforeal, O.Carm., Fr. Noel Rosas, O.Carm., Fr. Pete Manilaga, O.Carm., Fr. Christian Buenafe, O.Carm., Sis. Ma. Angela Ureta, aO.Carm., and Rev. Christopher Labrador, O.Carm.; and from the Dutch province: Fr. Huub, Br. Arie Kuil, O.Carm., Fr. Nico Hofstede, O.Carm., Fr. Peter Kramer, O.Carm. assisted by Fr. Gérard Westendorp, O.Carm. (prior of Zenderen community), Fr. Anton Korterik, O.Carm., and Fr. Anton Hoogland, O.Carm. assisted by Fr. Ton van der Gulik (parish priest of Zenderen).

Also present were the Dutch brothers who are now part of the Philippine province – Fr. Martin Pierik, O.Carm. and Fr. Harry Bloem, O.Carm.