Order of Carmelites

Carmelites get “Blended”

“Do you hear what I hear?”

So goes the popular Christmas song and, also, the reaction of people who will be tuning in to enjoy “Blended,” the benefit concert of the Philippine Carmelite Province of Blessed Titus Brandsma.

The concert, slated for online streaming this coming December 14 at 8PM, aims to express the Carmelites’ gratitude to their benefactors, families, and friends as well as to celebrate Christmas meaningfully.

“Blended” brings together the unique musical talents of the Carmelites here in the Philippines and in their mission area in Papua New Guinea.

Each Filipino Carmelite community’s representative will perform a special musical number online—the better to showcase the myriad of talents that the friars possess. What better way to spread cheer this season than through the gift of song and dance?

Interspersed with these exciting musical presentations are the Christmas reflections and messages from the Carmelites and the sharing of personal experiences from the beneficiaries of Philippine Carmel’s various philanthropic programs.

The pandemic continues to hang above, but it is not enough to douse the Christmas spirit with depression and disappointment. Rather, “Blended” is being presented to bring a little bit more joy and hope to uplift the spirits of people who struggle in this challenging period of humankind. Proceeds from “Blended” will benefit the Carmelites’ staff members and those hardest hit by the pandemic.