Order of Carmelites

Message: On the passing of Fr. Pete Manilag, O.Carm.

Message of the Prior General
on the passing of Fr. Pedro M. Manilag, O.Carm.

Dear Rico and members of the Provincial Council,

Along with the members of the General Council, I offer you my deepest sympathy on the passing from this life of our brother Pedro Manilang.

Pedro in his time as a Carmelite endeared himself to his brother and sister Carmelites, and to many people in the various places where he served, for his quiet and thoughtful way of approaching people and situations.

He was a good man to have around and was making a very valuable contribution to the work of the provincial council when illness overcame him despite his young age.

Your province will build on his contribution and legacy and will find in him an example for the Carmelites of this generation to follow in serving others and in following our Lord Jesus Christ with diligence and humility.

May he rest in peace in the friendship of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the company of Mary and the saints of Carmel.

Míċeál O’Neill, O.Carm.
Prior General