Order of Carmelites

Philippine Carmelites appeal for help for typhoon victims

As typhoon Ulysses leave the country, thousands of families are left devastated with lives lost and homes destroyed and under floodwaters.

In Brgy. Bagong Silangan in Quezon City, served by two Carmelite-administered parishes – San Isidro Labrador Parish and Sagrada Familia Parish – hundreds of families have left their homes in anticipation of the flood. Many sought shelter in government facilities and a few have been taken in by the parish.

Since last night, both parishes, through its pastoral workers, have been assisting evacuees with their needs. As of this writing, San Isidro Labrador Parish are sheltering around 60 families or more than 300 individuals.

The Order of Carmelites also immediately conducted relief operations with through its disaster relief program – Carmel Care.

In a Facebook post, parish administrator of San Isidro Labrador Parish, Fr. Sheldon Tabile, O.Carm., appealed for in-kind donations particularly water, hot meals, over the counter medicines, mats, clothes, and blankets.

For more information on how to help the victims of Typhoon Ulysses and in other relief efforts of Carmel Philippines, email Rev. Christopher Labrador, O.Carm., extended provincial councilor of the Order and coordinator for Carmel Care, at cfl_stlawrence@yahoo.com.ph. (Photos from Carmel Care).