Order of Carmelites

Spring of Carmel plant trees to greet the new year

By Alvin Lozano, Carmelite Novice

On the feast of Mary, Mother of God (January 1), the novices of the Order of Carmelites together with residents of Gloria III in Tandang Sora, Quezon City planted fruit trees in the compound of Spring of Carmel Novitiate House.

Led by the community prior and novice master, Fr. Esmeraldo Reforeal, O.Carm., the activity was done after the celebration of the mass. Planted were guava, avocado, rambutan, and mango seedlings.

The participants were asked to group together and after planting their seedlings, they were made to name their trees and to make a commitment to nurture their trees especially on the residents’ visit to the novitiate house.

The activity aimed at helping the lay faithful nurtured by the Spring of Carmel community to realize that care for creation is an integral part of Christian life, is an act of gratitude to the creator, and an expression of answering the call to be stewards of creation.

It also served as a reminder that in the darkest times new life, new hope, and new beginnings are possible when everyone cooperates with God who never abandons and always provides.

Residents of Gloria III are being nurtured by Spring of Carmel as it’s way of serving the community. This comes in the form of welcoming residents to participate in liturgical celebrations, especially during Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation; in ensuring that the sacraments are received by the faithful like the sacrament of reconciliation; and through works of mercy like visitation of sick residents. The tree planting activity is also part of their spiritual nourishment and a way of involving them in the activities of the novitiate house.

2 thoughts on “Spring of Carmel plant trees to greet the new year”

  1. Thank you, Alvin. Nicely written article.
    Thank you, Fr. Dodo, for involving us in this activity of the novitiate.

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